What are the benefits of having your own online school?

Kate Carney - Co Founder

Where to start...

Building online schools is a new thing. There’s several online schools now across the UK and the world, and we’re seeing interest from ‘mainstream’ and ‘alternative schools’ in expanding their reach and their revenue potential and to develop their own online schools, and this is where we come in.

Take a look at what we offer...

We can build you an online school from the virtual ground up within 6-months.

Find out more

The migration away from traditional learning in a classroom is a response to the acknowledgement that it doesn’t work for every child (there’s a whole blog in this alone), that schools and educational institutions can’t adopt a one-size fits all approach, that many families are traveling, adopting different lifestyle and looking for an alternative curriculum and learning approach. 

It's a big change.

For traditional schools, this change is overwhelming. After all, in a school we know how it works and teachers and staff are struggling and stressed enough - how on earth do you emulate this online? The reality is, you don’t. An online school is a new entity entirely, it can come under the same brand, teach the same curriculum and if you upskill your teachers, they can even have a presence there too. But it’s subject to it’s own policies and procedures, safeguarding, learner experience, accreditation from OfSted, content and more. 

We take care of it all and can guide you through it. We've been there, done it and are so proud to be working with schools to offer this unique service.

Take a look at many of the benefits of having your own online school.

We built Gaia Learning which is a registered Cambridge International School Online to support kids like ours - those with SEN. We wanted to support teachers like us (Kirstin is a teacher) and parents like us who don’t have a ‘normal school drop off’ due to their children being sensory, neurodiverse or simply put, having additional needs.

3 years of building our online school taught us a lot...

Our learning curve has included processes, systems, learning experiences, content, learning styles, timing, curriculum adaptation, parent expectations, teacher expectations and more. We have taken all of these learnings, combined it with an infrastructure built within our own platforms and created a package where schools can have their own online school. So they can truly expand their reach and welcome more students.  

Fancy a virtual brew to discuss?

Drop us a message info@hybridschool.io and we'll sort it.


Kate Carney is Co-Founder of Hybrid School Limited.

As a mum of two, one with SEN (Poppy - see more about her on Linkedin) Kate brings her hands-on, real world experience of parenting, combined with her marketing and business experience, love of mental health and tech start up energy to the duo of Kate and Kirstin who are responsible for everything this business has and aspires to be.